Science learning in the classroom presents the opportunity for teachers to introduce the problems of ethics and responsibility at an early age. In this post we look at 3 UK based projects that all aim to develop science teaching and involve the students in innovative ways.
The BBC news website carries an interesting article1 about a novel way of teaching science to secondary school students. In a competition called the Mallary Park Mileage Marathon, students are encouraged to design, build and test energy efficient motor vehicles, with a final race aimed at determining which car can travel the furthest on one gallon of fuel.
The winners of this year’s competition come from Kingdown School in Wiltshire, whose car managed an impressive 1980 MPG.
All of the drivers are schoolchildren and the cars are built during science and technology lessons at school, with the dual aim of learning about science while at the same time raising awareness of energy efficiency amongst schoolchildren.
The Gene Jury project2 in Scotland has a novel way of addressing the ethical and scientific issues involved in DNA use. Their primary and secondary school teaching materials introduce many complex issues through games and role play including issues of medical and personal privacy.
The Scotish initiative for Biotechnology Education3 based at the University of Edinburgh is also worthy of exploration. Their aim is to Enhance engagement with biotechnology through interactions with the scientific community, school students, teachers and the general public and their website offers free downloadable resources. Lots of interesting ideas at different levels.
Much more than just test tubes and Bunsen burners.
(Photo: Hidden Science-814 by Hidden Science-81 from Flickr)