Autore, Speaker
La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 3/4
Event: La realizzazione dell’improbabile – Trent’anni di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Date: 2023 12 18 Time: 35:11 min. Place: MEET Digital Culture Center – Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 3/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 3 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist (in Spotify) Post: La realizzazione dell’improbabile. Contents: ... La realizzazione dell’improbabile – 3/4
International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: Manchester Book Launch
On 27 November 2019, Manchester Metropolitan University hosted a book launch for the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, co-edited by Rene von Schomberg and our own Foreign Scientific Correspondent Jonathan Hankins. The event was jointly organized by the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) Sustainable and Ethical Enterprise Group (SEEG) and the University of Manchester Alliance Business ... International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: Manchester Book Launch
VIRI Annual Meeting and GET Conference, A Short Report
This year’s VIRI was held in Tempe Arizona between May 15 and 16 to coincide with the Governance of Emerging Technologies Conference the followed in Phoenix. The Foundation was represented by Board Member Ottavia Bassetti and Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins, who attended both events offering readers the following short first hand report on the proceedings ... VIRI Annual Meeting and GET Conference, A Short Report
Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts.
The Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts International Conference took place between March 11th and 12th, 2016 at the Donastia International physics Centre, Donastia-San Sebastian. The conference was followed by the Annual VIRI meeting. I attended both the conference and the AGM in my role as Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent. In ... Responsible Research and Innovation: The Problematic Quest For Right Impacts.