Uncertainty and disquiet

Discussion of the panel W098 of the EASA Conference 2012. Nanterre University, France, 10/07/2012 – 13/07/2012. The call for papers “Who is Responsible” has invited ethnographic reflections on the diverse meanings and use of a term, “responsibility” which “has become such a conspicuous terms in contemporary thought styles”, to highlight its salience in contemporary culture ... Uncertainty and disquiet

Cristina Grasseni

Practicing Responsibilities: social engagement, controversy and innovation

At the Trento EASST conference, held 1-4th September 2010, workshop/track 32. “Practicing Responsibilities” was co-chaired by Cristina Grasseni (University of Bergamo / Bassetti Foundation); Luca Guzzetti (University of Genova) and Giuseppe Pellegrini (University of Padova) within the theme “social engagement, controversy and innovation”. The latest issue of EASST Review is available for download at EASST ... Practicing Responsibilities: social engagement, controversy and innovation

Practicing Responsibility

In the imminence of the deadline for submitting abstracts (22th March) I bring to our readers’ attention the following call for papers, co-organised by the Bassetti Foundation, for a session at the next EASST conference (European Association for the Study of Science and Technology), which will take place in Trento, September 2-4th 2010, in collaboration ... Practicing Responsibility

Is biotechnological research in Italy a chimera? (Second part)

Prosegue l’intervista a Giovanna Lazzari e Cesare Galli del Laboratorio di Tecnologie della Riproduzione di Porcellasco (Cremona). (leggi la prima parte) (… ) Giovanna Lazzari: Io ho avuto una forte impressione quando è nato il primo clone, Galileo. Anche perché sui libri di scuola la clonazione per trasferimento del nucleo di cellule somatico era data ... Is biotechnological research in Italy a chimera? (Second part)

Is biotechnological research in Italy a chimera? An interview with Giovanna Lazzari and Cesare Galli

Scorrendo i titoli de «La Provincia», quotidiano di Cremona, lo scorso 5 settembre, mi chiedevo se non fosse già troppo tardi per fare questa intervista. "Chiude il Centro di Galli" – campeggia in prima pagina. "Cremona. Vi è nato il toro clonato Galileo. Il CIZ taglia la ricerca, Porcellasco resta senza fondi. Lo scienziato ora ... Is biotechnological research in Italy a chimera? An interview with Giovanna Lazzari and Cesare Galli

About the Anthropology of globalization (2)

Il saggio di Monica Lindh de Montoya “Il mercato come specchio o modello. Come i commercianti riconfigurano le transazioni economiche e sociali in un’economia rurale”, pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1999, indaga il cambiamento culturale avvenuto in una comunità agricola venezuelana del Bailadores innesescato dalla produzione per il mercato nazionale di ortaggi, in particolare ... About the Anthropology of globalization (2)

Guido Carlotto

About the Anthropology of globalization

Questo blog si prefigge, per quanto non sistematicamente, di offrire spunti di riflessione e ricerca sulle reciproche relazioni tra pratica e riflessione antropologica e pratica e riflessione sull’innovazione, e in particolare sul problema della responsabilità dell’innovazione. Si tratta di una interconnessione non ovvia, scarsamente tematizzata. Tuttavia è possibile mappare alcuni contributi, anche e soprattutto ai ... About the Anthropology of globalization

Cristina Grasseni
Valentina Porcellana

New Rites For Democracy?

On February 15th 2008, at the premises of the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, the sociologist of science Brian Wynne opened the seminar chaired by Piero Bassetti and Mariachiara Tallacchini about the report for the European Commission, Taking European Society Seriously (2007), now translated in Italian under the auspices of the Bassetti Foundation (Scienza e Governance. ... New Rites For Democracy?

Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 2)

(…continues from the previous entry) CG That’s a very interesting context because usually, when we think about public understanding of science or media exposure of a scientific discovery, it’s always thought of as something monolithic, and the term of comparison is by a kind of implicit definition western society. Very rarely one takes into consideration ... Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 2)

Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 1)

In this interview to Sophie Houdart taken at the Cerisy Cultural Centre in France in July 2006, we debated on the many links between the ethnography of science and the interrogation on responsible innovation. The work of Sophie Houdart brings to the fore many important categories, that of fact and that of event, the idea ... Of flies and forests: putting laboratory work in its social context (part 1)

How to map complex issues?

In this interview, taken at the Cerisy colloquium organised by Bruno Latour and Philippe Descola on “L’anthropologie historique de la raison scientifique“, (July 12th- 19th 2006), Cristina Grasseni gathered Bruno Latour’s view s on responsible innovation and its relevance to the research agenda of historians, anthropologists, philosophers and sociologists of science. Cristina Grasseni I just ... How to map complex issues?

Is responsible innovation participatory, and if so, how?

Cristina Grasseni Professor Galison, you have seen that, as a Foundation devoted to promote responsible innovation, we have set out to try and answer a few questions, which we have posted last year in a public call for comments. What do think about public participation in particular? And how does this relate to your most ... Is responsible innovation participatory, and if so, how?

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